26-23-5.5. Illegal use of birth certificate -- Penalties. (1) It is a third degree felony for any person to willfully and knowingly:
(a) and with the intent to deceive, obtain, possess, use, sell, furnish, or attempt to obtain,possess, use, sell, or furnish to another any certificate of birth or certified copy of a certificate ofbirth knowing that the certificate or certified copy was issued upon information which is false inwhole or in part or which relates to the birth of another person, whether living or deceased; or
(b) furnish or process a certificate of birth or certified copy of a certificate of birth withthe knowledge or intention that it be used for the purpose of deception by a person other than theperson to whom the certificate of birth relates.
(2) The specific criminal violations and the criminal penalty under this section takeprecedence over any more general criminal offense as described in Section
Enacted by Chapter 202, 1995 General Session