26-23b-110. Information sharing with public safety authorities. (1) For purposes of this section, "public safety authority" means a local, state, or federallaw enforcement authority including the Division of Homeland Security, emergency medicalservices personnel, and firefighters.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Accessand Management Act:
(a) whenever a public safety authority suspects a case of a reportable illness or conditionunder the provisions of this chapter, it shall immediately notify the department;
(b) whenever the department learns of a case of a reportable illness or condition underthis chapter that it reasonably believes has the potential to be caused by one of the factors listedin Subsection
26-23b-103(1), it shall immediately notify the appropriate public safety authority;and
(c) sharing of information reportable under the provisions of this chapter betweenpersons authorized by this chapter shall be limited to information necessary for the treatment,control, investigation, and prevention of a public health emergency.
(3) Except to the extent inconsistent with this chapter, Sections
26-6-27 and
26-6-28apply to this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session