26-25-2. Restrictions on use of data. (1) The information described in Subsection
26-25-1(1) that is provided to the entitiesdescribed in Subsection
26-25-1(2) shall:
(a) be used and disclosed by the entities described in Subsection
26-25-1(2) inaccordance with this chapter; and
(b) is not subject to Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and ManagementAct.
(2) The Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health within the Department ofHuman Services, scientific and health care research organizations affiliated with institutions ofhigher education, the Utah Medical Association or any of its allied medical societies, peer reviewcommittees, professional review organizations, professional societies and associations, or anyhealth facility's in-house staff committee may only use or publish the information or materialreceived or gathered under Section
26-25-1 for the purpose of study and advancing medicalresearch or medical education in the interest of reducing the incidence of disease, morbidity, ormortality, except that a summary of studies conducted in accordance with Section
26-25-1 maybe released by those groups for general publication.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session