26-33a-106.5. Comparative analyses. (1) The committee may publish compilations or reports that compare and identify healthcare providers or data suppliers from the data it collects under this chapter or from any othersource.
(2) (a) The committee shall publish compilations or reports from the data it collectsunder this chapter or from any other source which:
(i) contain the information described in Subsection (2)(b); and
(ii) compare and identify by name at least a majority of the health care facilities andinstitutions in the state.
(b) The report required by this Subsection (2) shall:
(i) be published at least annually; and
(ii) contain comparisons based on at least the following factors:
(A) nationally recognized quality standards;
(B) charges; and
(C) nationally recognized patient safety standards.
(3) The committee may contract with a private, independent analyst to evaluate thestandard comparative reports of the committee that identify, compare, or rank the performance ofdata suppliers by name. The evaluation shall include a validation of statistical methodologies,limitations, appropriateness of use, and comparisons using standard health services researchpractice. The analyst must be experienced in analyzing large databases from multiple datasuppliers and in evaluating health care issues of cost, quality, and access. The results of theanalyst's evaluation must be released to the public before the standard comparative analysis uponwhich it is based may be published by the committee.
(4) The committee shall adopt by rule a timetable for the collection and analysis of datafrom multiple types of data suppliers.
(5) The comparative analysis required under Subsection (2) shall be available free ofcharge and easily accessible to the public.
Amended by Chapter 266, 2005 General Session