26-36a-203. Calculation of assessment. (1) The division shall calculate the inpatient upper payment limit gap for hospitals foreach state fiscal year.
(2) (a) An annual assessment is payable on a quarterly basis for each hospital in anamount calculated at a uniform assessment rate for each hospital discharge, in accordance withthis section.
(b) The uniform assessment rate shall be determined using the total number of hospitaldischarges for assessed hospitals divided into the total non-federal portion of the upper paymentlimit gap.
(c) Any quarterly changes to the uniform assessment rate must be applied uniformly toall assessed hospitals.
(d) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(d)(ii), the annual uniform assessment ratemay not generate more than the non-federal share of the annual upper payment limit gap for thefiscal year.
(ii) (A) For fiscal year 2010 the assessment may not generate more than the non-federalshare of the annual upper payment limit gap for the fiscal year.
(B) For fiscal year 2010-11 the department may generate an additional amount from theassessment imposed under Subsection (2)(d)(i) in the amount of $2,000,000 which shall be usedby the department and the division as follows:
(I) $1,000,000 to offset Medicaid mandatory expenditures; and
(II) $1,000,000 to offset the reduction in hospital outpatient fees in the state program.
(C) For fiscal years 2011-12 and 2012-13 the department may generate an additionalamount from the assessment imposed under Subsection (2)(d)(i) in the amount of $1,000,000 tooffset Medicaid mandatory expenditures.
(3) (a) For state fiscal years 2010 and 2011, discharges shall be determined using the datafrom each hospital's Medicare Cost Report contained in the Centers for Medicare and MedicaidServices' Healthcare Cost Report Information System file as of April 1, 2009 for hospital fiscalyears ending between October 1, 2007, and September 30, 2008.
(b) If a hospital's fiscal year Medicare Cost Report is not contained in the Centers forMedicare and Medicaid Services' Healthcare Cost Report Information System file dated March31, 2009:
(i) the hospital shall submit to the division a copy of the hospital's Medicare Cost Reportwith a fiscal year end between October 1, 2007, and September 30, 2008; and
(ii) the division shall determine the hospital's discharges from the information submittedunder Subsection (3)(b)(i).
(c) If a hospital started operations after the due date for a 2007 Medicare Cost Report:
(i) the hospital shall submit to the division a copy of the hospital's most recent completeyear Medicare Cost Report; and
(ii) the division shall determine the hospital's discharges from the information submittedunder Subsection (3)(c)(i).
(d) If a hospital is not certified by the Medicare program and is not required to file aMedicare Cost Report:
(i) the hospital shall submit to the division its applicable fiscal year discharges withsupporting documentation;
(ii) the division shall determine the hospital's discharges from the information submitted
under Subsection (3)(d)(i); and
(iii) the failure to submit discharge information under Subsections (3)(d)(i) and (ii) shallresult in an audit of the hospital's records by the department and the imposition of a penalty equalto 5% of the calculated assessment.
(4) (a) For state fiscal year 2012 and 2013, discharges shall be determined using the datafrom each hospital's Medicare Cost Report contained in the Centers for Medicare and MedicaidServices' Healthcare Cost Report Information System file as of:
(i) for state fiscal year 2012, September 30, 2010, for hospital fiscal years endingbetween October 1, 2008, and September 30, 2009; and
(ii) for state fiscal year 2013, September 30, 2011, for hospital fiscal years endingbetween October 1, 2009, and September 30, 2010.
(b) If a hospital's fiscal year Medicare Cost Report is not contained in the Centers forMedicare and Medicaid Services' Healthcare Cost Report Information System file:
(i) the hospital shall submit to the division a copy of the hospital's Medicare Cost Reportapplicable to the assessment year; and
(ii) the division shall determine the hospital's discharges.
(c) If a hospital is not certified by the Medicare program and is not required to file aMedicare Cost Report:
(i) the hospital shall submit to the division its applicable fiscal year discharges withsupporting documentation;
(ii) the division shall determine the hospital's discharges from the information submittedunder Subsection (4)(c)(i); and
(iii) the failure to submit discharge information shall result in an audit of the hospital'srecords and a penalty equal to 5% of the calculated assessment.
(5) Except as provided in Subsection (6), if a hospital is owned by an organization thatowns more than one hospital in the state:
(a) the assessment for each hospital shall be separately calculated by the department; and
(b) each separate hospital shall pay the assessment imposed by this chapter.
(6) Notwithstanding the requirement of Subsection (5), if multiple hospitals use the sameMedicaid provider number:
(a) the department shall calculate the assessment in the aggregate for the hospitals usingthe same Medicaid provider number; and
(b) the hospitals may pay the assessment in the aggregate.
(7) (a) The assessment formula imposed by this section, and the inpatient accesspayments under Section 26-36a-205, shall be adjusted in accordance with Subsection (7)(b) if ahospital, for any reason, does not meet the definition of a hospital subject to the assessment underSection 26-36a-103 for the entire fiscal year.
(b) The department shall adjust the assessment payable to the department under thischapter for a hospital that is not subject to the assessment for an entire fiscal year by multiplyingthe annual assessment calculated under Subsection (3) or (4) by a fraction, the numerator ofwhich is the number of days during the year that the hospital operated, and the denominator ofwhich is 365.
(c) A hospital described in Subsection (7)(a):
(i) that is ceasing to operate in the state, shall pay any assessment owed to the departmentimmediately upon ceasing to operate in the state; and
(ii) shall receive Medicaid inpatient hospital access payments under Section
26-36a-205for the state fiscal year, adjusted using the same formula described in Subsection (7)(b).
(8) A hospital that is subject to payment of the assessment at the beginning of a statefiscal year, but during the state fiscal year experiences a change in status so that it no longer fallsunder the definition of a hospital subject to the assessment in Section
26-36a-204, shall:
(a) not be required to pay the hospital assessment beginning on the date established bythe department by administrative rule; and
(b) not be entitled to Medicaid inpatient hospital access payments under Section
26-36a-205 on the date established by the department by administrative rule.
Enacted by Chapter 179, 2010 General Session