26-46-103. Advisory committee -- Membership -- Compensation -- Duties. (1) There is created the Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance ProgramAdvisory Committee consisting of the following 13 members appointed by the executivedirector, eight of whom shall be residents of rural communities:
(a) one rural representative of Utah Hospitals and Health Systems, nominated by theassociation;
(b) two rural representatives of the Utah Medical Association, nominated by theassociation;
(c) one representative of the Utah Academy of Physician Assistants, nominated by theassociation;
(d) one representative of the Association for Utah Community Health, nominated by theassociation;
(e) one representative of the Utah Dental Association, nominated by the association;
(f) one representative of mental health therapists, selected from nominees submitted bymental health therapist professional associations;
(g) one representative of the Association of Local Health Officers, nominated by theassociation;
(h) one representative of the low-income advocacy community, nominated by the UtahHuman Services Coalition;
(i) one nursing program faculty member, nominated by the Statewide Deans andDirectors Committee;
(j) one administrator of a long-term care facility, nominated by the Utah Health CareAssociation;
(k) one nursing administrator, nominated by the Utah Nurses Association; and
(l) one geriatric professional who is:
(i) determined by the department to have adequate advanced training in geriatrics toprepare the person to provide specialized geriatric care within the scope of the person'sprofession; and
(ii) nominated by a professional association for the profession of which the person is amember.
(2) An appointment to the committee shall be for a four-year term unless the member isappointed to complete an unexpired term. The executive director may also adjust the length ofterm at the time of appointment or reappointment so that approximately 1/2 the committee isappointed every two years. The executive director shall annually appoint a committee chair fromamong the members of the committee.
(3) The committee shall meet at the call of the chair, at least three members of thecommittee, or the executive director, but no less frequently than once each calendar year.
(4) A majority of the members of the committee constitutes a quorum. The action of amajority of a quorum constitutes the action of the committee.
(5) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, butmay receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
(a) Section
(b) Section
63A-3-107; and
(c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections
63A-3-106 and
(6) The committee shall:
(a) make recommendations to the department for the development and modification ofrules to administer the Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program; and
(b) advise the department on the development of a needs assessment tool for identifyingunderserved areas.
(7) As funding permits, the department shall provide staff and other administrativesupport to the committee.
Amended by Chapter 286, 2010 General Session