26-52-201. Autism Treatment Account. (1) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the AutismTreatment Account.
(2) The account shall consist of:
(a) gifts, grants, devises, donations, and bequests of real property, personal property, orservices, from any source, or any other conveyance that may be made to the account from privatesources;
(b) interest and other earnings derived from the account money; and
(c) any additional amounts as appropriated by the Legislature.
(3) (a) Except as provided under Subsection (3)(b), the executive director shall beresponsible for administering the account.
(b) The committee shall be responsible for the following actions in relation to theaccount, consistent with the requirements of this title:
(i) prioritizing and allocating uses for account money, as permitted under Subsection (4);
(ii) determining what providers or organizations qualify for disbursements from theaccount for services rendered; and
(iii) authorization of all other distributions from the account, except that disbursementsfor expenses authorized under Subsection (6) shall also require the approval of the executivedirector.
(4) Account money may be used to:
(a) assist with the cost of evaluating and treating persons with an autism spectrumdisorder;
(b) provide persons with an autism spectrum disorder with treatments that utilize earlyintensive behavior therapy; and
(c) provide grants to persons or organizations for providing the services described inSubsection (4)(a) or (b).
(5) An individual who receives services that are paid for from the account or whoreceives services through an organization or provider that receives payment from the accountshall:
(a) be a resident of Utah;
(b) have been diagnosed by a qualified professional as having an autism spectrumdisorder;
(c) be younger than eight years of age; and
(d) have a need that can be met within the requirements of this title.
(6) All actual and necessary operating expenses for the committee and staff shall be paidby the account.
(7) Account money may not be used for administrative or other expenses of theDepartment of Health that are not normally provided for by legislative appropriation.
(8) All interest and other earnings derived from the account money shall be depositedinto the account.
(9) The state treasurer shall invest the money in the account under Title 51, Chapter 7,State Money Management Act.
Enacted by Chapter 69, 2010 General Session