26-52-202. Autism Treatment Account Advisory Committee -- Membership -- Timelimit. (1) (a) There is created an Autism Treatment Account Advisory Committee consisting offive members appointed by the governor to two-year terms of office as follows:
(i) one person holding a doctorate degree who has experience in treating persons with anautism spectrum disorder;
(ii) one person who is a physician licensed under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah MedicalPractice Act, or Title 58, Chapter 68, Utah Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, who has completeda residency program in pediatrics;
(iii) one person who is employed in the Department of Health; and
(iv) two persons from the community who are familiar with autism spectrum disordersand their effects, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and support needs, including:
(A) family members of a person with an autism spectrum disorder;
(B) representatives of an association which advocates for persons with an autismspectrum disorder; and
(C) specialists or professionals that work with persons with autism spectrum disorders.
(b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (1)(a), the governor shall, at the timeof appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of committeemembers are staggered so that approximately half of the committee is appointed every year.
(c) If a vacancy occurs in the committee membership for any reason, a replacement maybe appointed for the unexpired term.
(2) The department shall provide staff support to the committee.
(3) (a) The committee shall elect a chair from the membership on an annual basis.
(b) A majority of the committee constitutes a quorum at any meeting, and, if a quorumexists, the action of the majority of members present shall be the action of the committee.
(c) The executive director may remove a committee member:
(i) if the member is unable or unwilling to carry out the member's assignedresponsibilities; or
(ii) for good cause.
(4) The committee may, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah AdministrativeRulemaking Act, make rules governing the committee's activities, which rules shall:
(a) comply with the requirements of this title; and
(b) include:
(i) qualification criteria and procedures for selecting service and treatment providers thatreceive disbursements from the account, which criteria shall give additional consideration toproviders that are willing to use low interest loans when providing services to individuals; and
(ii) provisions to address and avoid conflicts of interest that may arise in relation to:
(A) the committee's selection of providers and persons that receive referrals,disbursements, or assistance from the account; and
(B) other matters that may constitute a conflict of interest.
(5) The committee shall meet as necessary to carry out its duties and shall meet upon acall of the committee chair or a call of a majority of the committee members, but no more thanfour times per year.
(6) The committee shall comply with the procedures and requirements of:
(a) Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act; and
(b) Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act.
(7) Committee members shall receive no compensation or per diem allowance for theirservices.
(8) Not later than November 30 of each year, the committee shall provide a written reportsummarizing the activities of the committee to:
(a) the executive director of the department;
(b) the Health and Human Services Interim Committee; and
(c) the Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
Enacted by Chapter 69, 2010 General Session