30-1-31. Premarital counseling board in county -- Appointment, terms,compensation, offices -- Common counseling board with adjacent county. The boards of commissioners of the respective counties in this state are authorized toprovide for premarital counseling and to require the use of premarital counseling as a conditionprecedent to the issuance of a marriage license under the provisions of this act. They may appointa premarital counseling board consisting of seven members, four of whom shall be lay personsand three of whom shall be chosen from the professions of psychiatry, psychology, social work,marriage counseling, the clergy, law or medicine. They may designate the terms of office and theprocedures to be followed by the premarital counseling board and provide for payment ofcompensation and expenses for members. They may pay the salaries and expenses of acounseling staff under the supervision of the premarital counseling board and provide officespace, furnishings, equipment and supplies for their use.
A county may join with an adjacent county or counties in forming a common premaritalcounseling board and in establishing a common master plan for premarital counseling.
Enacted by Chapter 64, 1971 General Session