30-2-5. Separate debts. (1) Neither spouse is personally liable for the separate debts, obligations, or liabilities ofthe other:
(a) contracted or incurred before marriage;
(b) contracted or incurred during marriage, except family expenses as provided inSection
(c) contracted or incurred after divorce or an order for separate maintenance under thistitle, except the spouse is personally liable for that portion of the expenses incurred on behalf of aminor child for reasonable and necessary medical and dental expenses, and other similarnecessities as provided in a court order under Section
30-4-3, or
78B-12-212, or anadministrative order under Section
62A-11-326; or
(d) ordered by the court to be paid by the other spouse under Section
30-3-5 or
30-4-3and not in conflict with Section
15-4-6.5 or
(2) The wages, earnings, property, rents, or other income of one spouse may not bereached by a creditor of the other spouse to satisfy a debt, obligation, or liability of the otherspouse, as described under Subsection (1).
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session