31A-2-216. Office of Consumer Health Assistance. (1) The commissioner shall establish:
(a) an Office of Consumer Health Assistance before July 1, 1999; and
(b) a committee to advise the commissioner on consumer assistance rendered under thissection.
(2) The office shall:
(a) be a resource for health care consumers concerning health care coverage or the needfor such coverage;
(b) help health care consumers understand:
(i) contractual rights and responsibilities;
(ii) statutory protections; and
(iii) available remedies;
(c) educate health care consumers:
(i) by producing or collecting and disseminating educational materials to consumers,health insurers, and health benefit plans; and
(ii) through outreach and other educational activities;
(d) for health care consumers that have difficulty in accessing their health insurancepolicies because of language, disability, age, or ethnicity, provide services, directly or throughreferral, such as:
(i) information and referral; and
(ii) adverse benefit determination process initiation;
(e) analyze and monitor federal and state consumer health-related statutes, rules, andregulations; and
(f) summarize information gathered under this section and make the summaries availableto the public, government agencies, and the Legislature.
(3) The office may:
(a) obtain data from health care consumers as necessary to further the office's dutiesunder this section;
(b) investigate complaints and attempt to resolve complaints at the lowest possible level;and
(c) assist, but not testify or represent, a consumer in an adverse benefit determination,arbitration, judicial, or related proceeding, unless the proceeding is in connection with anenforcement action brought under Section
(4) The commissioner may adopt rules necessary to implement the requirements of thissection.
Amended by Chapter 308, 2002 General Session