31A-3-105. Criminal Background Check Restricted Account. (1) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the "CriminalBackground Check Restricted Account."
(2) The Criminal Background Check Restricted Account shall consist of the feesimposed by the commissioner in accordance with:
(a) Subsection
(b) Subsection
(c) Subsection
31A-25-203(3); and
(d) Subsection
(3) The commissioner shall administer the Criminal Background Check RestrictedAccount. Subject to appropriations by the Legislature, the commissioner shall use the moneydeposited into the Criminal Background Check Restricted Account to pay the costs thedepartment is required to pay related to obtaining criminal background information in accordancewith the provisions listed in Subsection (2)(a).
(4) An appropriation from the Criminal Background Check Restricted Account isnonlapsing.
Enacted by Chapter 10, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 265, 2010 General Session, (Coordination Clause)