31A-3-401. Retaliation against insurers of foreign state or country. (1) Except as provided in Section
31A-3-402, when, under the laws of another state orforeign country any taxes, licenses, other fees, deposit requirements, or other material obligations,prohibitions, or restrictions are or would be imposed on Utah insurers, or on the agents orrepresentatives of Utah insurers, that are in excess of the taxes, licenses, other fees, depositrequirements, or other obligations, prohibitions, or restrictions directly imposed upon similarinsurers, or upon the agents or representatives of those insurers, of that other state or countryunder the statutes of this state, as long as the laws of that other state or country continue in forceor are so applied, the same taxes, licenses, other fees, deposit requirements, or other materialobligations, prohibitions, or restrictions of any kind shall be imposed, collected, and enforced bythe State Tax Commission, with the assistance of the commissioner, upon the insurers, or uponthe agents or representatives of those insurers, of that other state or country doing business orseeking to do business in this state.
(2) Any tax, license, or other obligation imposed by any city, county, or other politicalsubdivision or agency of another state or country on Utah insurers, their agents, or representativesis considered as being imposed by that state or country within the meaning of this section.
(3) The commissioner may by rule waive the retaliatory requirements for a person that is:
(a) doing business in this state; or
(b) seeking to do business in this state.
Amended by Chapter 308, 2002 General Session