31A-6a-101. Definitions. (1) "Mechanical breakdown insurance" means a policy, contract, or agreement issued byan insurance company that has complied with either Title 31A, Chapter 5, Domestic Stock andMutual Insurance Corporations, or Title 31A, Chapter 14, Foreign Insurers, that undertakes toperform or provide repair or replacement service on goods or property, or indemnification forrepair or replacement service, for the operational or structural failure of the goods or property dueto a defect in materials, workmanship, or normal wear and tear.
(2) "Nonmanufacturers' parts" means replacement parts not made for or by the originalmanufacturer of the goods commonly referred to as "after market parts."
(3) (a) "Service contract" means a contract or agreement for the repair or maintenance ofgoods or property, for their operational or structural failure due to a defect in materials,workmanship, or normal wear and tear, with or without additional provision for incidentalpayment of indemnity under limited circumstances.
(b) "Service contract" does not include mechanical breakdown insurance as defined inSubsection (1).
(4) "Service contract holder" or "contract holder" means a person who purchases a servicecontract.
(5) "Service contract provider" means a person who issues, makes, provides, administers,sells or offers to sell a service contract, or who is contractually obligated to provide service undera service contract.
(6) "Service contract reimbursement policy" or "reimbursement insurance policy" meansa policy of insurance providing coverage for all obligations and liabilities incurred by the servicecontract provider under the terms of the service contract issued by the provider.
Enacted by Chapter 203, 1992 General Session