31A-8-213. Certificate of authority. (1) An organization may apply for a certificate of authority at any time prior to theexpiration of its organization permit. The application shall include:
(a) a detailed statement by a principal officer about any material changes that have takenplace or are likely to take place in the facts on which the issuance of the organization permit wasbased; and
(b) if any material changes are proposed in the business plan, the information about thechanges that would be required if an organization permit were then being applied for.
(2) The commissioner shall issue a certificate of authority, if the commissioner findsthat:
(a) the organization's capital and surplus complies with the requirements of Section
31A-8-209 as to the operations proposed under the new certificate of authority;
(b) there is no basis for revoking the organization permit under Section
(c) the deposit required by Section
31A-8-211 has been made;
(d) the organization satisfies the requirements of Section
31A-8-104; and
(e) all other applicable requirements of the law have been met.
(3) The certificate of authority shall specify any limits imposed by the commissionerupon the organization's business or methods of operation, including the general types of healthcare services the organization is authorized to provide.
(4) Upon the issuance of the certificate of authority:
(a) the board shall authorize and direct the issuance of certificates for shares, bonds, ornotes subscribed to under the organization permit, and of insurance policies upon qualifyingapplications obtained under the organization permit; and
(b) the commissioner shall authorize the release to the organization of all funds held inescrow under Section
31A-5-208, as adopted by Section
(5) (a) An organization may at any time apply to the commissioner for a new or amendedcertificate of authority altering the limits on its business or methods of operation. Theapplication shall contain or be accompanied by that information reasonably required by thecommissioner under Subsections
31A-5-204(2) and
31A-8-205(2). The commissioner shall issuethe new certificate as requested if the commissioner finds that the organization continues tosatisfy the requirements specified under Subsection (2).
(b) If the commissioner issues an order under Chapter 27, Part 5, AdministrationActions, against an organization, the commissioner may also revoke the organization's certificateand issue a new one with any limitation the commissioner considers necessary.
Amended by Chapter 309, 2007 General Session