31A-8-402.7. Discontinuance and nonrenewal limitations. (1) Subject to Section
31A-4-115, an insurer that elects to discontinue offering a healthbenefit plan under Subsections
31A-8-402.3(3)(e) and
31A-8-402.5(3)(e) is prohibited fromwriting new business:
(a) in the market in this state for which the insurer discontinues or does not renew; and
(b) for a period of five years beginning on the date of discontinuation of the last coveragethat is discontinued.
(2) If an insurer is doing business in one established geographic service area of the state,Sections
31A-8-402.3 and
31A-8-402.5 apply only to the insurer's operations in that service area.
(3) The commissioner may, by rule or order, define the scope of service area.
Amended by Chapter 78, 2005 General Session