31A-8a-205. Disclosure of health discount program terms. (1) (a) Health discount program operators must provide to each purchaser or potentialpurchaser a copy of the terms of the discount program at the time of purchase.
(b) For purposes of this section "purchaser" means the employer in an employersponsored plan, or an individual purchasing outside of an employer relationship.
(2) The disclosure required by Subsection (1) should be clear and thorough and shouldinclude any administrative or monthly fees, trial periods, procedures for securing discounts,cancellation procedures and corresponding refund requests, and procedures for filing disputes.
(3) (a) A contract must be signed by the purchaser acknowledging the terms before anyfees are collected and must include notice of the purchaser's ten-day recision rights.
(b) For purposes of this Subsection (3) and Section
46-4-201, when a contract is enteredinto via telephone, facsimile transmission or the internet, the following is considered a signing ofthe contract:
(i) if via the internet, the online application form is completed and sent by the purchaserto the health discount program operator;
(ii) if via facsimile transmission, the application is completed, signed and faxed to thehealth discount program operator; or
(iii) if via telephone, the script used by the health discount program operator to solicit thepurchaser must include any limitations or exclusions to the program, and the contract must beprovided to the purchaser via facsimile, mail, or e-mail within 10 working days of the purchaserconsenting to enrolling over the telephone.
Enacted by Chapter 58, 2005 General Session