31A-9-202. Members and applicants in fraternals. (1) A fraternal may admit any natural person to membership under the conditions and forthe type of insurance and other benefits its laws prescribe, subject to this chapter and otherapplicable laws. A member without insurance ceases to be a member for insurance purposes ifthe fraternal is converted to a mutual.
(2) Subject to Section
31A-21-104, fraternals may provide insurance for the benefit ofmembers, their dependents, and persons who are eligible for membership except for age.
(3) A fraternal may organize lodges for children who are not old enough for membership,but who are to be covered by insurance. Membership in local lodges is not required for thosechildren, and they have no voting rights.
(4) A fraternal may extend temporary or conditional insurance coverage to a nonmemberwho has applied for membership in the fraternal.
Enacted by Chapter 242, 1985 General Session