31A-9-406. Removal of directors and filling of vacancies. (1) A director may be removed from office for cause by an affirmative vote of a majorityof the full board of directors at a meeting of the board called for that purpose or may be removedunder Subsection
(2) Any vacancy occurring in the board, including a vacancy created by an increase in thenumber of directors, may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors then inoffice, although less than a quorum.
(3) If the laws of the fraternal provide that at least 2/3 of the directors are elected by themembers, elected director vacancies may be filled by the board for the remainder of the terms forwhich there are vacancies.
(4) If the vacancy is to be filled other than by a regular election, the election by the boardis effective only until a reasonable time has elapsed for choosing the director in that other manner.
(5) If less than 2/3 of the directors are elected by the members, elected director vacanciesmay be filled by the directors only until the next succeeding regular election. At that time, theelected director vacancy may be filled for the remainder of the term for which there is a vacancy. A director elected under this section to fill the unexpired term of an elected director is an electeddirector within the meaning of Subsection
(6) If the board ceases to exist, the commissioner shall arrange the necessary proceduresfor holding elections to create a new board.
Amended by Chapter 300, 2000 General Session