31A-22-614.6. Health care delivery and payment reform demonstration projects. (1) The Legislature finds that:
(a) current health care delivery and payment systems do not provide systemwide alignedincentives for the appropriate delivery of health care;
(b) some health care providers and health care payers have developed ideas for healthcare delivery and payment system reform, but lack the critical number of patient lives and payerinvolvement to accomplish systemwide reform; and
(c) there is a compelling state interest to encourage as many health care providers andhealth care payers to join together and coordinate efforts at systemwide health care delivery andpayment reform.
(2) (a) The Office of Consumer Health Services within the Governor's Office ofEconomic Development shall convene meetings of health care providers and health care payersthrough a neutral, non-biased entity that can demonstrate it has the support of a broad base of theparticipants in this process for the purpose of coordinating broad based demonstration projectsfor health care delivery and payment reform.
(b) (i) The speaker of the House of Representatives may appoint a person who is amember of the House of Representatives, or from the Office of Legislative Research and GeneralCounsel, to attend the meetings convened under Subsection (2)(a).
(ii) The president of the Senate may appoint a person who is a senator, or from the Officeof Legislative Research and General Counsel, to attend the meetings convened under Subsection(2)(a).
(c) Participation in the coordination efforts by health care providers and health carepayers is voluntary, but is encouraged.
(3) The commissioner and the Office of Consumer Health Services shall facilitate severalcoordinated broad based demonstration projects for health care delivery reform and health carepayment reform between one or more health care providers and one or more health care payerswho elect to participate in the demonstration projects by:
(a) consulting with health care providers and health care payers who elect to join togetherin a broad based reform demonstration project;
(b) consulting with a neutral, non-biased third party with an established record for broadbased, multi-payer and multi-provider quality assurance efforts and data collection;
(c) applying for grants and assistance that may be available for creating andimplementing the demonstration projects; and
(d) adopting administrative rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, UtahAdministrative Rulemaking Act, as necessary to develop, oversee, and implement thedemonstration projects.
(4) The Office of Consumer Health Services and the commissioner shall report to theHealth System Reform Task Force by October 2010, and to the Legislature's Business and LaborInterim Committee every October thereafter regarding the progress towards coordination ofbroad based health care system payment and delivery reform.
Amended by Chapter 68, 2010 General Session