31A-29-112. Medicaid recipients. (1) If authorized by federal statutes or rules, an individual receiving Medicaid benefitsmay continue to receive those benefits while satisfying the preexisting condition requirementsestablished by Section
31A-29-113 and the terms of the pool policy issued under this chapter.
(2) If allowed by federal statute, federal regulation, state statute, or rule, the Departmentof Health shall allocate premiums paid to the pool by an individual receiving Medicaid benefitsto that individual's spenddown for purposes of the Medicaid program.
(3) (a) If an individual continues to receive Medicaid benefits after the requirements for apreexisting condition are satisfied, the pool administrator may not issue a pool policy or allowthat individual to receive any benefit from the pool.
(b) If an individual continues to receive Medicaid benefits when the requirements for apreexisting condition are satisfied, the pool administrator shall give any premiums collected by itduring the preexisting conditions period to the Medicaid program.
(4) (a) If an enrollee becomes eligible to receive Medicaid benefits, the enrollee'scoverage by the pool terminates as of the effective date of Medicaid coverage.
(b) The pool administrator shall:
(i) include a provision in the pool policy requiring an enrollee to provide written noticeto the pool administration if the enrollee becomes covered by Medicaid; and
(ii) terminate an enrollee's coverage by the pool as of the effective date of the enrollee'sMedicaid coverage when the pool administrator becomes aware that the enrollee is covered byMedicaid.
(5) If an individual terminates coverage under Medicaid and applies for coverage under apool policy within 45 days after terminating the coverage, the individual may begin coverageunder a pool policy as of the date that Medicaid coverage terminated, if an individual meets theother eligibility requirements of the chapter and pays the required premium.
(6) Notwithstanding Subsections
31A-29-111(1)(b)(i) and (2)(b)(i), an individual iseligible for coverage by the pool if the requirements of Section
31A-29-111 are met and if:
(a) the individual's eligibility for Medicaid requires a spenddown, as defined by rule, thatexceeds the premium for a pool policy; or
(b) the individual is eligible for the Primary Care Network program administered by theDepartment of Health.
Amended by Chapter 2, 2004 General Session