within 30 days after being rejected or refused coverage by the covered carrier and reapplies forcoverage with that covered carrier within 30 days after the date of issuance of a certificate underSubsection 31A-29-111(5)(c); or
(ii) the individual applies for coverage with any individual carrier within 45 days after:
(A) notice of cancellation of coverage under Subsection 31A-29-115(1); or
(B) the date of issuance of a certificate under Subsection 31A-29-111(5)(c) if theindividual applied first for coverage with the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool.
(4) (a) If coverage is obtained under Subsection (3)(e)(i) and the required premium ispaid, the effective date of coverage shall be the first day of the month following the individual'ssubmission of a completed insurance application to that covered carrier.
(b) If coverage is obtained under Subsection (3)(e)(ii) and the required premium is paid,the effective date of coverage shall be the day following the:
(i) cancellation of coverage under Subsection 31A-29-115(1); or
(ii) submission of a completed insurance application to the Comprehensive HealthInsurance Pool.
(5) (a) An individual carrier is not required to accept individuals for coverage underSubsection (3) if the carrier issues no new individual policies in the state after July 1, 1997.
(b) A carrier described in Subsection (5)(a) may not issue new individual policies in thestate for five years from July 1, 1997.
(c) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(b), a carrier may request permission to issue newpolicies after July 1, 1999, which may only be granted if:
(i) the carrier accepts uninsurables as is required of a carrier entering the market underSubsection 31A-30-110; and
(ii) the commissioner finds that the carrier's issuance of new individual policies:
(A) is in the best interests of the state; and
(B) does not provide an unfair advantage to the carrier.
(6) (a) If the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool as set forth under Title 31A, Chapter29, is dissolved or discontinued, or if enrollment is capped or suspended, an individual carriermay decline to accept individuals applying for individual enrollment, other than individualsapplying for coverage as set forth in P.L. 104-191, 110 Stat. 1979, Sec. 2741 (a)-(b).
(b) Within two calendar days of taking action under Subsection (6)(a), an individualcarrier will provide written notice to the Utah Insurance Department.
(7) (a) If a small employer carrier offers health benefit plans to small employers througha network plan, the small employer carrier may:
(i) limit the employers that may apply for the coverage to those employers with eligibleemployees who live, reside, or work in the service area for the network plan; and
(ii) within the service area of the network plan, deny coverage to an employer if the smallemployer carrier has demonstrated to the commissioner that the small employer carrier:
(A) will not have the capacity to deliver services adequately to enrollees of anyadditional groups because of the small employer carrier's obligations to existing group contractholders and enrollees; and
(B) applies this section uniformly to all employers without regard to:
(I) the claims experience of an employer, an employer's employee, or a dependent of anemployee; or
(II) any health status-related factor relating to an employee or dependent of an employee.
Amended by Chapter 383, 2008 General Session