31A-30-202. Definitions. For purposes of this part:
(1) "Defined benefit plan" means an employer group health benefit plan in which:
(a) the employer selects the health benefit plan or plans from a single insurer;
(b) employees are not provided a choice of health benefit plans on the Health InsuranceExchange; and
(c) the employer is subject to contribution requirements in Section
(2) "Defined contribution arrangement":
(a) means a defined contribution arrangement employer group health benefit plan that:
(i) complies with this part; and
(ii) is sold through the Health Insurance Exchange in accordance with Title 63M,Chapter 1, Part 25, Health System Reform Act; and
(b) beginning January 1, 2011, includes an employer choice of either a definedcontribution arrangement health benefit plan or a defined benefit plan offered through the HealthInsurance Exchange.
(3) "Health reimbursement arrangement" means an employer provided healthreimbursement arrangement in which reimbursements for medical care expenses are excludedfrom an employee's gross income under the Internal Revenue Code.
(4) "Producer" is as defined in Subsection
(5) "Section 125 Cafeteria plan" means a flexible spending arrangement that qualifiesunder Section 125, Internal Revenue Code, which permits an employee to contribute pre-taxdollars to a health benefit plan.
(6) "Small employer" is defined in Section
Amended by Chapter 68, 2010 General Session