31A-30-203. Eligibility for defined contribution arrangement market --Enrollment. (1) (a) An eligible small employer may choose to participate in:
(i) the defined contribution arrangement market in the Health Insurance Exchange underthis part; or
(ii) the traditional defined benefit market under Part 1, Individual and Small EmployerGroup.
(b) A small employer may choose to offer its employees one of the following through thedefined contribution arrangement market in the Health Insurance Exchange:
(i) a defined contribution arrangement health benefit plan; or
(ii) a defined benefit plan.
(c) (i) Beginning January 1, 2011, and during the enrollment period, an eligible largeemployer participating in the demonstration project under Subsection
31A-30-208(1)(c) maychoose to offer its employees a defined contribution arrangement health benefit plan.
(ii) Beginning January 1, 2012, an eligible large employer may choose to offer itsemployees a defined contribution arrangement health benefit plan.
(d) Defined contribution arrangement health benefit plans are employer group healthplans individually selected by an employee of an employer.
(2) (a) Participating insurers shall offer to accept all eligible employees of an employerdescribed in Subsection (1), and their dependents, at the same level of benefits as anyone elsewho has the same health benefit plan in the defined contribution arrangement market on theHealth Insurance Exchange.
(b) A participating insurer may:
(i) request an employer to submit a copy of the employer's quarterly wage list todetermine whether the employees for whom coverage is provided or requested are bona fideemployees of the employer; and
(ii) deny or terminate coverage if the employer refuses to provide documentationrequested under Subsection (2)(b)(i).
Amended by Chapter 68, 2010 General Session