31A-34-110. Contracts with member employers and contracted insurers. (1) Contracts between an alliance and members shall provide that the alliance is thecontract holder of the health benefit plan policy on behalf of members and enrollees.
(2) Contracts between an alliance and a contracted insurer shall specify how premiumswill be transferred, what penalties and grace periods will be, and how examination costs will beallocated to contracted insurers.
(3) Subject only to Sections
31A-8-105.5 and
31A-8-501, and until July 1, 2004, healthbenefit plans offered exclusively in an alliance under this chapter may limit reimbursement toproviders on the panel of a contracted insurer if the commissioner finds that the aggregate ofalliance contracts available to its members provide a broad and substantial choice of providers,encompassing the vast majority of doctors and hospitals in the state.
Amended by Chapter 108, 2001 General Session