31A-35-602. Place of business -- Records to be kept there. (1) (a) Every bail bond surety company shall have and maintain in this state a place ofbusiness:
(i) accessible to the public; and
(ii) where the bail bond surety company principally conducts transactions authorized byits bail bond surety company license.
(b) The address of the place of business described in Subsection (1)(a) shall appear upon:
(i) the application for a bail bond surety company license; and
(ii) the bail bond surety company license issued under this chapter.
(c) A bail bond surety company shall notify the commissioner of any change in theaddress required by this Subsection (1) within 20 days after the change.
(d) This section does not prohibit a bail bond surety company from maintaining the placeof business required under this section in the licensee's residence, if the residence is in Utah.
(2) The bail bond surety company shall keep at the place of business described inSubsection (1)(a) the records required under Section
Amended by Chapter 259, 2000 General Session