31A-37-205. Free surplus. (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2), the commissioner may not issue a certificateof authority to a captive insurance company unless the company possesses and maintains freesurplus of:
(i) in the case of a pure captive insurance company, not less that $150,000;
(ii) in the case of an association captive insurance company incorporated as a stockinsurer, not less than $350,000;
(iii) in the case of an industrial insured captive insurance company incorporated as astock insurer, not less than $300,000;
(iv) in the case of an association captive insurance company incorporated as a mutualinsurer, not less $750,000;
(v) in the case of an industrial insured captive insurance company incorporated as amutual insurer, not less than $500,000;
(vi) in the case of a sponsored captive insurance company, not less than $500,000; and
(vii) in the case of a special purpose captive insurance company, an amount determinedby the commissioner after giving due consideration to the company's business plan, feasibilitystudy, and pro-formas, including the nature of the risks to be insured.
(b) The surplus required under this Subsection (1) may be in the form of:
(i) cash; or
(ii) an irrevocable letter of credit issued by:
(A) a bank chartered by this state; or
(B) a member bank of the Federal Reserve System that is approved by the commissioner.
(2) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (1), a captive insurance companyorganized as a reciprocal insurer under this chapter may not be issued a certificate of authorityunless the captive insurance company possesses and maintains free surplus of $1,000,000.
(3) (a) The commissioner may prescribe additional surplus based upon the type, volume,and nature of insurance business transacted.
(b) The capital required under this Subsection (3) may be in the form of an irrevocableletter of credit issued by:
(i) a bank chartered by this state; or
(ii) a member bank of the Federal Reserve System.
(4) (a) Without the prior approval of the commissioner, a captive insurance companymay not pay:
(i) a dividend out of capital or surplus in excess of the limits under Section
(ii) a distribution with respect to capital or surplus in excess of the limits under Section
(b) The commissioner shall condition approval of an ongoing plan for the payment ofdividends or other distribution on the retention, at the time of each payment, of capital or surplusin excess of amounts:
(i) specified by the commissioner; or
(ii) determined in accordance with formulas approved by the commissioner.
Amended by Chapter 312, 2004 General Session