Captive Insurance Companies Act;
(B) the special purpose financial captive insurance company's investment policy reflectsand takes into account:
(I) the liquidity of assets; and
(II) the reasonable preservation, administration, and management of those assets withrespect to the risks associated with:
(Aa) a reinsurance contract; and
(Bb) an insurance securitization transaction; and
(C) the following comply with this chapter:
(I) a reinsurance contract; and
(II) an arrangement for securing an obligation of the special purpose financial captiveinsurance company under the reinsurance contract, including an agreement or otherdocumentation to implement the arrangement.
(c) A special purpose financial captive insurance company shall submit to thecommissioner:
(i) a copy of an agreement or documentation described in Subsection (2)(b), unlessotherwise approved by the commissioner; and
(ii) a statement or document required by the commissioner to evaluate the specialpurpose financial captive insurance company's application for a certificate of authority.
(d) (i) Subject to Subsection (2)(d)(ii), a special purpose financial captive insurancecompany shall submit with the application an opinion of a licensed attorney, in a form acceptableto the commissioner, that:
(A) the offer and sale of a special purpose financial captive insurance company securitycomplies with:
(I) the registration requirements of federal securities laws; or
(II) the exemptions from or exceptions to a requirement of the federal securities laws;and
(B) the offer and sale of a security by the special purpose financial captive insurancecompany complies with:
(I) the registration requirements of this state's securities laws; or
(II) the exemptions from or exceptions to a requirement of this state's securities laws.
(ii) A special purpose financial captive insurance company is not required to submit anopinion described in Subsection (2)(d)(i) with an application if the special purpose financialcaptive insurance company includes a specific statement in its plan of operation that the opiniondescribed in Subsection (2)(d)(i) will be provided to the commissioner before the offer or sale ofa special purpose financial captive insurance company security.
(3) (a) The commissioner may issue a certificate of authority to a special purposefinancial captive insurance company that complies with Subsection (2) authorizing the specialpurpose financial captive insurance company to transact reinsurance business as a specialpurpose financial captive insurance company in this state if the commissioner finds that:
(i) the proposed plan of operation provides for a reasonable and expected successfuloperation;
(ii) the terms of the reinsurance contract or related transaction comply with this chapter;
(iii) the proposed plan of operation is not hazardous to a ceding insurer; and
(iv) subject to Subsection (3)(b), the insurance regulator of the state of domicile of a
ceding insurer has notified the commissioner in writing or otherwise provided assurancesatisfactory to the commissioner that the regulator of the state has approved or has notdisapproved the transaction.
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a)(iv), the commissioner may issue a certificate ofauthority to a special purpose financial captive insurance company if the insurance regulator ofthe state of domicile of a ceding insurer does not respond with respect to all or a part of thetransaction.
(c) (i) A certificate of authority issued under this section is valid through the June 30after the day on which the certificate of authority is issued.
(ii) A special purpose financial captive insurance company may renew its certificate ofauthority annually by, before the certificate of authority expires:
(A) submitting the affidavit required by Subsection (2); and
(B) paying a renewal fee.
(4) In conjunction with issuing a certificate of authority to a special purpose financialcaptive insurance company, the commissioner may issue an order that includes a provision, term,or condition regarding the organization, issuance of a certificate of authority, and operation of thespecial purpose financial captive insurance company that:
(a) the commissioner considers appropriate; and
(b) is not inconsistent with this chapter and Chapter 37, Captive Insurance CompaniesAct.
Enacted by Chapter 302, 2008 General Session