31A-40-304. Small operation license. (1) A professional employer organization may obtain a small operation license under thischapter if the professional employer organization:
(a) files an application for a small operation license with the commissioner:
(i) on a form and in a manner the commissioner shall determine by rule made inaccordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
(ii) that includes the information and documentation the commissioner determines isnecessary to show that the professional employer organization qualifies for a small operationlicense;
(b) pays a small operation license fee determined in accordance with Section
31A-3-103,that is not refunded if the application:
(i) is denied; or
(ii) if incomplete, is never completed by the person filing the application;
(c) is domiciled outside of this state;
(d) is licensed or registered as a professional employer organization in another state;
(e) does not maintain an office in this state or directly solicit a client that:
(i) is domiciled in this state; or
(ii) maintains a location within this state;
(f) does not have at any time more than 50 covered employees employed or domiciled inthis state; and
(g) is not owned or directed by another professional employer organization operating inthe state.
(2) (a) A small operation license is valid for one year.
(b) A professional employer organization may annually renew a small operation license.
(3) A professional employer organization with a small operation license under thischapter is not subject to Section
Enacted by Chapter 318, 2008 General Session