32A-1-104 (Repealed 07/01/11). Policy. The policies of the state are:
(1) The administration of this title shall be nonpartisan and free of partisan politicalinfluence.
(2) Alcoholic beverage control shall be operated as a public business using soundmanagement principles and practices. The business shall be governed by a commission andoperated by a department. The business shall function with the intent of servicing the publicdemand for alcoholic beverages.
(3) The commission and department may not promote or encourage the sale orconsumption of alcoholic beverages.
(4) The commission shall conduct, license, and regulate the sale of alcoholic beveragesin a manner and at prices that:
(a) reasonably satisfy the public demand and protect the public interest, including therights of citizens who do not wish to be involved with alcoholic products; and
(b) will promote the reduction of the harmful effects of over consumption of alcoholicbeverages by adults and consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors.
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 314, 2003 General Session