32A-1-303 (Repealed 07/01/11). Additional requirements when age is in question. (1) In addition to requesting the presentation of proof of age under Section
32A-1-302,any person authorized to sell or otherwise handle alcoholic beverages or products shall requireany person whose age is in question to sign a statement of age on the form provided underSubsection (2) that includes:
(a) the date the statement of age is signed; and
(b) the number assigned to the person's proof of age by the issuing authority.
(2) (a) At the request of a licensee, the commissioner of public safety shall provide to alicensee under this title the form for the statement of age described in Subsection (1).
(b) The person authorized to sell or otherwise handle alcoholic beverages or productsshall:
(i) file in alphabetical order any statement of age obtained under Subsection (1) by nolater than the close of business on the day on which the statement is executed; and
(ii) maintain on file for three years any statement of age obtained under Subsection (1).
(c) The statement of age obtained under Subsection (1) is subject to examination by:
(i) a peace officer;
(ii) a representative of the State Bureau of Investigation of the Department of PublicSafety, established in Section
53-10-301; or
(iii) an authorized employee of the department.
Amended by Chapter 5, 2002 General Session
Amended by Chapter 161, 2002 General Session
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session