32A-1-602 (Repealed 07/01/11). General restrictions on attire and conduct. The following attire and conduct on a premises or at an event regulated by thecommission under this title are considered contrary to the public health, peace, safety, welfare,and morals, and are prohibited:
(1) employing or using a person in the sale or service of alcoholic beverages while theperson is in:
(a) a state of nudity;
(b) a state of seminudity; or
(c) attire, costume, or clothing that exposes to view any portion of:
(i) the female breast below the top of the areola; or
(ii) the cleft of the buttocks;
(2) employing or using the services of a person to mingle with patrons while the personis in:
(a) a state of nudity;
(b) a state of seminudity; or
(c) attire, costume, or clothing that exposes to view any portion of:
(i) the female breast below the top of the areola; or
(ii) the cleft of the buttocks;
(3) encouraging or permitting a person to:
(a) engage in or simulate an act of:
(i) sexual intercourse;
(ii) masturbation;
(iii) sodomy;
(iv) bestiality;
(v) oral copulation;
(vi) flagellation; or
(vii) a sexual act that is prohibited by Utah law; or
(b) touch, caress, or fondle the breast, buttocks, anus, or genitals of any other person;
(4) permitting a person to wear or use a device or covering that:
(a) is exposed to view; and
(b) simulates all or any portion of the human genitals, anus, pubic area, or female breast;
(5) permitting a person to use an artificial device or inanimate object to depict an actprohibited by this section;
(6) permitting a person to remain on a premises or at an event who exposes to publicview any portion of that person's:
(a) genitals, pubic area, or anus; or
(b) in the case of a female, the areola and nipple of the breast; or
(7) showing a film, still picture, electronic reproduction, or other visual reproductiondepicting:
(a) an act or simulated act of:
(i) sexual intercourse;
(ii) masturbation;
(iii) sodomy;
(iv) bestiality;
(v) oral copulation;
(vi) flagellation; or
(vii) a sexual act that is prohibited by Utah law;
(b) a person being touched, caressed, or fondled on the breast, buttocks, anus, or genitals;
(c) a scene wherein an artificial device or inanimate object is employed to depict, or adrawing is employed to portray, an act prohibited by this section; or
(d) a scene wherein a person displays the genitals or anus.
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session
Enacted by Chapter 284, 2007 General Session