liquor licensee as authorized by commission rule for wine purchased at the airport lounge.
(4) (a) Heavy beer may be served in an original container not exceeding one liter at aprice fixed by the commission.
(b) A flavored malt beverage may be served in an original container not exceeding oneliter at a price fixed by the commission.
(c) A service charge may be assessed by the airport lounge liquor licensee as authorizedby commission rule for heavy beer or a flavored malt beverage purchased at the airport lounge.
(5) (a) (i) Subject to Subsection (5)(a)(ii), an airport lounge liquor licensee may sell beerfor on-premise consumption:
(A) in an open container; and
(B) on draft.
(ii) Beer sold pursuant to Subsection (5)(a)(i) shall be in a size of container that does notexceed two liters, except that beer may not be sold to an individual patron in a size of containerthat exceeds one liter.
(b) An airport lounge liquor licensee that sells beer pursuant to Subsection (5)(a):
(i) may do so without obtaining a separate on-premise beer retailer license from thecommission; and
(ii) shall comply with all appropriate operational restrictions under Chapter 10, BeerRetailer Licenses, that apply to an on-premise beer retailer except when those restrictions areinconsistent with or less restrictive than the operational restrictions under this part.
(c) Failure to comply with the operational restrictions under Chapter 10, Beer RetailerLicenses, required by Subsection (5)(b) may result in a suspension or revocation of the airportlounge's:
(i) state liquor license; and
(ii) alcoholic beverage license issued by the local authority.
(6) An alcoholic beverage may not be stored, served, or sold in a place other than asdesignated in the airport lounge liquor licensee's application, unless the airport lounge liquorlicensee first applies for and receives approval from the department for a change of locationwithin the airport lounge.
(7) (a) A patron may only make a purchase in the airport lounge from and be served by aperson employed, designated, and trained by the airport lounge liquor licensee to sell, dispense,and serve an alcoholic beverage.
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (7)(a), a patron who purchases bottled wine from anemployee of the airport lounge may serve wine from the bottle to the patron or others at thepatron's table.
(c) An airport lounge patron may have no more than two alcoholic beverages of any kindat a time before the patron, subject to the limitation in Subsection (2)(d).
(8) The liquor storage area shall remain locked at all times other than those hours anddays when liquor sales and service are authorized by law.
(9) An alcoholic beverage may not be sold, offered for sale, served, or otherwisefurnished at an airport lounge on any day after 12 midnight and before 8 a.m.
(10) An alcoholic beverage may not be sold, served, or otherwise furnished to a:
(a) minor;
(b) person actually, apparently, or obviously intoxicated;
(c) known habitual drunkard; or
drugs is a serious crime that is prosecuted aggressively in Utah."
(19) (a) An airport lounge liquor licensee shall maintain an expense ledger or recordshowing in detail:
(i) quarterly expenditures made separately for malt or brewed beverages, liquor, and allother items required by the department; and
(ii) sales made separately for malt or brewed beverages, food, and all other itemsrequired by the department.
(b) An airport lounge liquor licensee shall keep a record required by Subsection (19)(a):
(i) in a form approved by the department; and
(ii) current for each three-month period.
(c) An expenditure shall be supported by:
(i) a delivery ticket;
(ii) an invoice;
(iii) a receipted bill;
(iv) a canceled check;
(v) a petty cash voucher; or
(vi) other sustaining datum or memorandum.
(d) In addition to a ledger or record required by Subsection (19)(a), an airport loungeliquor licensee shall maintain accounting and other records and documents as the departmentmay require.
(e) An airport lounge liquor licensee or person acting for the airport lounge, whoknowingly forges, falsifies, alters, cancels, destroys, conceals, or removes an entry in a book ofaccount or other document of the airport lounge required to be made, maintained, or preserved bythis title or the rules of the commission for the purpose of deceiving the commission, thedepartment, or an official or employee of the commission or department, is subject to:
(i) the immediate suspension or revocation of the airport lounge's liquor license; and
(ii) possible criminal prosecution under Chapter 12, Criminal Offenses.
(20) An airport lounge liquor license may not be transferred from one location to another,without prior written approval of the commission.
(21) (a) An airport lounge liquor licensee may not sell, transfer, assign, exchange, barter,give, or attempt in any way to dispose of the airport lounge liquor license to another person,whether for monetary gain or not.
(b) An airport lounge liquor license has no monetary value for the purpose of any type ofdisposition.
(22) A server of an alcoholic beverage in an airport lounge liquor licensee'sestablishment shall keep a written beverage tab for each table or group that orders or consumesan alcoholic beverage on the premises. The beverage tab shall list the type and amount of analcoholic beverage ordered or consumed.
(23) An airport lounge liquor licensee's premises may not be leased for a privatefunction.
(24) An airport lounge liquor licensee may not on the premises of the airport loungeliquor licensee:
(a) engage in or permit any form of gambling, as defined and proscribed in Title 76,Chapter 10, Part 11, Gambling;
(b) have any video gaming device, as defined and proscribed by Title 76, Chapter 10,
Part 11, Gambling; or
(c) engage in or permit a contest, game, gaming scheme, or gaming device that requiresthe risking of something of value for a return or for an outcome when the return or outcome isbased upon an element of chance, excluding the playing of an amusement device that confersonly an immediate and unrecorded right of replay not exchangeable for value.
(25) An airport lounge liquor licensee or an employee of the airport lounge liquorlicensee may not knowingly allow a person on the licensed premises to, in violation of Title 58,Chapter 37, Utah Controlled Substances Act, or Chapter 37a, Utah Drug Paraphernalia Act:
(a) sell, distribute, possess, or use a controlled substance, as defined in Section 58-37-2;or
(b) use, deliver, or possess with the intent to deliver drug paraphernalia, as defined inSection 58-37a-3.
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 391, 2008 General Session