32A-4a-501 (Repealed 07/01/11). Enforcement of qualifications for a resort licenseor sublicense. (1) The commission or department may not take an action described in Subsection (2)with regard to a resort license unless the person who is found not to meet the qualifications ofSection
32A-4a-203 is one of the following who is engaged in the management of the resort:
(a) a partner;
(b) a managing agent;
(c) a manager;
(d) an officer;
(e) a director;
(f) a stockholder who holds at least 20% of the total issued and outstanding stock of theapplicant corporation;
(g) a member who owns at least 20% of the applicant limited liability company; or
(h) a person employed to act in a supervisory or managerial capacity for the resortlicensee.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to:
(a) the commission immediately suspending or revoking a resort license, if after the dayon which the resort license is granted, a person described in Subsection
32A-4a-203(1)(a), (b), or(c):
(i) is found to have been convicted of an offense described in Subsection
32A-4a-203(1)(a) before the resort license is granted; or
(ii) on or after the day on which the resort license is granted:
(A) is convicted of an offense described in Subsection
32A-4a-203(1)(a)(i), (ii), or (iii);or
(B) (I) is convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol, a drug, or the combinedinfluence of alcohol and a drug; and
(II) was convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol, a drug, or the combinedinfluence of alcohol and a drug within five years before the day on which the person is convictedof the offense described in Subsection
(b) the director taking an emergency action by immediately suspending the operation of aresort license in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, for theperiod during which the criminal matter is being adjudicated if a person described in Subsection
32A-4a-203(1)(a), (b), or (c):
(i) is arrested on a charge for an offense described in Subsection
32A-4a-203(1)(a)(i),(ii), or (iii); or
(ii) (A) is arrested on a charge for the offense of driving under the influence of alcohol, adrug, or the combined influence of alcohol and a drug; and
(B) was convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol, a drug, or the combinedinfluence of alcohol and a drug within five years before the day on which the person is arrestedon a charge described in Subsection (2)(b)(i); and
(c) the commission suspending or revoking a resort license because a person to whom aresort license is granted under this chapter no longer possesses the qualifications required by thistitle for obtaining the resort license.
(3) This section does not prevent the commission from suspending or revoking asublicense that is part of a resort license if a person employed to act in a supervisory or
managerial capacity for a sublicense no longer meets the qualification requirements in theprovisions applicable to the sublicense.
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session
Enacted by Chapter 383, 2009 General Session