32A-6-202 (Repealed 07/01/11). Operational restrictions. In addition to the restrictions, conditions, and requirements of Section
32A-6-105, eachpublic service permit is subject to the following operating restrictions:
(1) (a) A public service permittee whose public conveyances operate on an interstatebasis may purchase alcoholic beverages outside of the state and bring it into the state and sell andserve it to passengers traveling on the permittee's public conveyance for consumption while enroute on the conveyance.
(b) A public service permittee whose public conveyances operate solely within the stateshall purchase to sell and serve to passengers traveling on the permittee's public conveyance forconsumption while en route on the conveyance:
(i) liquor from state stores or package agencies; and
(ii) beer from a local beer wholesaler.
(2) A public service permittee may establish a hospitality room in which alcoholicbeverages may be stored, sold, served, and consumed, if:
(a) the room is located within a depot, terminal, or similar facility adjacent to andservicing the permittee's airline, railroad, bus, boat, or other public conveyance;
(b) the room is completely enclosed and the interior is not visible to the public;
(c) the sale or service of alcoholic beverages is made only to persons then in transit usingthe host company's airline, railroad, bus line, or other public conveyance, and holding a validboarding pass or similar travel document issued by the host company; and
(d) (i) all liquor is purchased from:
(A) a state store; or
(B) a package agency; and
(ii) beer is purchased from a local licensed beer wholesaler.
(3) Each public service permittee operating a hospitality room shall display in aprominent place in the hospitality room, a sign in large letters stating: "Warning: Driving underthe influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious crime that is prosecuted aggressively in Utah."
(4) The operation of all hospitality rooms shall be done in accordance with this chapterand rules adopted by the commission.
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 314, 2003 General Session