32A-6-301 (Repealed 07/01/11). Application requirements. (1) Each application for an industrial or manufacturing use permit shall, in addition to therequirements of Section
32A-6-102, include:
(a) a nonrefundable $50 application fee;
(b) a $200 one-time special use permit fee;
(c) a cash or corporate surety bond in the penal sum of $1,000 payable to the department,which the permittee has procured and must maintain for so long as the permittee continues tooperate as a special use permittee;
(d) written consent of the local authority; and
(e) a floor plan of the immediate area within the premises in which the applicantproposes that alcoholic products be stored, used, mixed, sold, or consumed.
(2) (a) The bond required under Subsection (1) shall be:
(i) in a form approved by the attorney general; and
(ii) conditioned upon the permittee's faithful compliance with this title and the rules ofthe commission.
(b) If the surety bond is cancelled due to the permittee's negligence, a $300 reinstatementfee may be assessed.
(c) No part of any cash or corporate bond posted under this section may be withdrawnduring the period the permit is in effect.
(d) A bond filed by a permittee may be forfeited if the permit is finally revoked.
(3) Any person desiring a special use permit to produce gasohol or any alcoholic productshall provide evidence to the department that an approved Notice of Registration of DistilledSpirits Plant and the appropriate permit from the Federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and TradeBureau has been obtained by the person.
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 284, 2007 General Session