32A-7-101 (Repealed 07/01/11). Commission's power to issue permits --Limitations. (1) The commission may issue a single event permit to any of the following that isconducting a convention, civic, or community enterprise, a bona fide:
(a) partnership;
(b) corporation;
(c) limited liability company;
(d) church;
(e) political organization;
(f) incorporated association;
(g) recognized subordinate lodge, chapter, or other local unit of an entity described inSubsections (1)(a) through (f);
(h) state agency; or
(i) political subdivision of the state including:
(i) a county; or
(ii) a municipality.
(2) (a) A single event permit may authorize:
(i) the storage, sale, service, and consumption of liquor at an event at which the storage,sale, service, or consumption of liquor is otherwise prohibited by this title for either:
(A) a time period not to exceed 120 consecutive hours; or
(B) a time period not to exceed 72 consecutive hours; and
(ii) the storage, sale, service, and consumption of beer at the same event for the periodthat the storage, sale, service, or consumption of liquor is authorized under Subsection (2)(a)(i)for the single event permit.
(b) The single event permit shall state in writing whether it is for a time period describedin Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) or (2)(a)(i)(B).
(3) The commission may not issue more than:
(a) four single event permits in any one calendar year to the same person listed inSubsection (1) if one or more of the single event permits is for a time period described inSubsection (2)(a)(i)(A); or
(b) 12 single event permits in any one calendar year to the same person listed inSubsection (1) if each of the single event permits issued to that person is for a time perioddescribed in Subsection (2)(a)(i)(B).
(4) (a) The 600 foot and 200 foot proximity requirements in relation to a communitylocation that are applicable to a state store, package agency, or licensee, do not apply to a singleevent permit.
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), nothing in this section prevents the commissionfrom considering the proximity of an educational, religious, or recreational facility, or any otherrelevant factor in deciding whether to issue a single event permit.
(5) For calendar year 2008, the commission shall grant the number of single eventpermits to the same person described in Subsection (1) that the commission determines is mostsimilar to the restriction in Subsection (3), except in no case may the commission issue morethan 12 single event permits to the same person in calendar year 2008.
Amended by Chapter 108, 2008 General Session
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 391, 2008 General Session