32A-9-102 (Repealed 07/01/11). Application and renewal requirements. (1) A person seeking a warehousing license under this chapter shall file a writtenapplication with the department, in a form prescribed by the department. The application shall beaccompanied by:
(a) a nonrefundable $250 application fee;
(b) an initial license fee of $750, which is refundable if a license is not granted;
(c) written consent of the local authority;
(d) a copy of the applicant's current business license;
(e) a bond as specified by Section
(f) evidence that the applicant is carrying public liability insurance in an amount andform satisfactory to the department;
(g) a floor plan of the applicant's warehouse, including the area in which the applicantproposes that liquor be stored;
(h) a signed consent form stating that the licensee will permit any authorizedrepresentative of the commission, department, or any law enforcement officer unrestricted rightto enter the warehouse premises;
(i) in the case of an applicant that is a partnership, corporation, or limited liabilitycompany, proper verification evidencing that the person or persons signing the warehousinglicense application are authorized to so act on behalf of the partnership, corporation, or limitedliability company; and
(j) any other documents and evidence the department may require by rule or policy toallow complete evaluation of the application.
(2) (a) All warehousing licenses expire on December 31 of each year.
(b) Persons desiring to renew their license shall submit a renewal fee of $1,000 and acompleted renewal application to the department no later than November 30 of the year thelicense expires.
(c) Failure to meet the renewal requirements results in an automatic forfeiture of thelicense effective on the date the existing license expires.
(d) Renewal applications shall be in a form prescribed by the department.
(3) To ensure compliance with Subsection
32A-9-106(9), the commission may suspendor revoke a warehousing license if a warehousing licensee does not immediately notify thedepartment of any change in:
(a) ownership of the licensee;
(b) for a corporate owner, the:
(i) corporate officers or directors; or
(ii) shareholders holding at least 20% of the total issued and outstanding stock of thecorporation; or
(c) for a limited liability company:
(i) managers; or
(ii) members owning at least 20% of the limited liability company.
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 314, 2003 General Session