32A-10-302 (Repealed 07/01/11). Application requirements. (1) (a) A person seeking a temporary special event beer permit shall file a writtenapplication with the department in a form prescribed by the department.
(b) The application required by this section shall be accompanied by:
(i) a permit fee of $75, which:
(A) is refundable if a permit is not granted; and
(B) shall be returned to the applicant with the application if the permit is not granted;
(ii) (A) written consent of the local authority; or
(B) a temporary permit granted by the local authority under Section
(iii) a bond as specified by Section
(iv) the times, dates, location, estimated attendance, nature, and purpose of the temporaryspecial event;
(v) a description or floor plan designating:
(A) the area in which the applicant proposes that beer be stored;
(B) the site from which the applicant proposes that beer be sold or served; and
(C) the area in which the applicant proposes that beer be allowed to be consumed;
(vi) a statement of the purpose of the temporary special event;
(vii) a signed consent form stating that authorized representatives of the commission,department, or any law enforcement officers will have unrestricted right to enter the premisesduring the temporary special event;
(viii) in the case of an applicant that is a partnership, corporation, or limited liabilitycompany, proper verification evidencing that the person or persons signing the application areauthorized to so act on behalf of the partnership, corporation, or limited liability company; and
(ix) any other information the commission or department may require.
(2) An applicant need not meet the requirements of Subsection (1)(b)(i), (ii), or (iii) if theapplicant is:
(a) a state agency; or
(b) a political subdivision of the state including:
(i) a county; or
(ii) a municipality.
Amended by Chapter 268, 2004 General Session
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session