32A-12-219 (Repealed 07/01/11). Unlawful adulteration -- Licensing tampering. (1) For purposes of this section, "tamper" means to do one or more of the following tothe contents of a package:
(a) fortify;
(b) adulterate;
(c) contaminate;
(d) dilute;
(e) change its character or purity; or
(f) otherwise change.
(2) A person may not, for any purpose, mix or allow to be mixed with an alcoholicbeverage sold or supplied by the person as a beverage any of the following:
(a) a drug;
(b) methylic alcohol;
(c) a crude, unrectified, or impure form of ethylic alcohol; or
(d) another deleterious substance.
(3) (a) The following may not engage in an act listed in Subsection (3)(b):
(i) a retail licensee;
(ii) a permittee;
(iii) a package agent;
(iv) a beer wholesaler;
(v) a supplier;
(vi) an importer; or
(vii) a warehouser.
(b) A person listed in Subsection (3)(a) may not:
(i) tamper with the contents of a package of alcoholic beverage as originally marketed bya manufacturer;
(ii) refill or partly refill with any substance the contents of an original package ofalcoholic beverage as originally marketed by a manufacturer;
(iii) misrepresent the brand of an alcoholic beverage sold or offered for sale; or
(iv) sell or serve a brand of alcoholic beverage that is not the same as that ordered by apurchaser without first advising the purchaser of the difference.
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 383, 2009 General Session