32A-12-506 (Repealed 07/01/11). Carriers' records. (1) All motor carriers and other persons transporting alcoholic products into or withinthis state shall keep books in which is entered, immediately on the receipt of any products, thename of every person to whom the products are consigned, the amount and kind received, and thedate when delivered. The consignee shall sign the consignee's name, or in the case of apartnership or corporation, an agent authorized in writing, shall sign their name in the books.
(2) The books shall be open to inspection by any authorized official of the state or localauthority at any time during business hours of the motor carrier. The books constitute primafacie evidence of the facts stated in the books and are admissible as evidence in any courtproceeding to enforce this title.
Amended by Chapter 170, 1996 General Session
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session