32A-13-109 (Repealed 07/01/11). Authority to inspect. (1) For purposes of enforcing this title and commission rules, all members of thecommission, authorized representatives of the commission or department, or any lawenforcement or peace officer shall be accorded access, ingress, and egress to and from allpremises or conveyances used in the manufacture, storage, transportation, service, or sale of anyalcoholic product. They also may open any package containing, or supposed to contain, anyarticle manufactured, sold, or exposed for sale, or held in possession with intent to sell inviolation of this title or commission rules, and may inspect its contents and take samples of thecontents for analysis.
(2) All dealers, clerks, bookkeepers, express agents, railroad and airline officials,common and other carriers, and their employees shall assist, when so requested by anyauthorized person specified in Subsection (1), in tracing, finding, or discovering the presence ofany article prohibited by this title or commission rules to the extent assistance would not infringeupon the person's federal and state constitutional rights.
Amended by Chapter 1, 2000 General Session
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session