32A-14a-105 (Repealed 07/01/11). Action for contribution by provider of alcoholicbeverages. (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (2) and (3), a person, as defined underSubsection
32A-14a-102(1), (2), or (3), against whom an award has been made under thischapter, may bring a separate cause of action for contribution against any person causing theinjury and damage.
(b) The maximum amount for which any person causing the injury and damage may beliable to any person seeking contribution is that percentage or proportion of the damagesequivalent to the percentage or proportion of fault attributed to that person causing the injury anddamage.
(2) This action for contribution under this section may not be brought against:
(a) any person entitled to recovery as described in Subsection
32A-14a-102(1)(a)(i) or(ii); or
(b) any person entitled to recover as described in Subsection
32A-14a-102(2)(a)(i) or (ii).
(3) An action for contribution under this section may not diminish the amount ofrecovery for injury or damages awarded and received to any person entitled to recover asdescribed in Subsection
32A-14a-102(1)(a)(i) or (ii) or
32A-14a-102(2)(a)(i) or (ii):
(a) in a cause of action brought under this chapter; or
(b) in a separate cause of action for injury and damage that is not brought under thischapter.
Enacted by Chapter 197, 2000 General Session
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session