34-20-1. Declaration of policy. The public policy of the state as to employment relations and collective bargaining in thefurtherance of which this chapter is enacted, is declared to be as follows:
(1) It recognizes that there are three major interests involved, namely: that of the public,the employee, and the employer. These three interests are to a considerable extent interrelated. Itis the policy of the state to protect and promote each of these interests with due regard to thesituation and to the rights of the others.
(2) Industrial peace, regular and adequate income for the employee, and uninterruptedproduction of goods and services are promotive of all of these interests. They are largelydependent upon the maintenance of fair, friendly, and mutually satisfactory employment relationsand the availability of suitable machinery for the peaceful adjustment of whatever controversiesmay arise. It is recognized that certain employers, including farmers and farmer cooperatives, inaddition to their general employer problems, face special problems arising from perishablecommodities and seasonal production which require adequate consideration. It is also recognizedthat whatever may be the rights of disputants with respect to each other in any controversyregarding employment relations, they should not be permitted in the conduct of their controversyto intrude directly into the primary rights of third parties to earn a livelihood, transact business,and engage in the ordinary affairs of life by any lawful means and free from molestation,interference, restraint, or coercion.
(3) Negotiation of terms and conditions of work should result from voluntary agreementbetween employer and employee. For the purpose of such negotiation an employee has the right,if he desires, to associate with others in organizing and bargaining collectively throughrepresentatives of his own choosing, without intimidation or coercion from any source.
(4) It is the policy of the state, in order to preserve and promote the interests of the public,the employee, and the employer alike, to establish standards of fair conduct in employmentrelations and to provide a convenient, expeditious and impartial tribunal by which these interestsmay have their respective rights and obligations adjudicated.
Enacted by Chapter 85, 1969 General Session