34-29-1. License required -- Agencies for teachers excepted. It shall be unlawful for any person to open and establish in any city or town, or elsewherewithin the limits of this state, any intelligence or employment office for the purpose of procuringor obtaining for money or other valuable consideration, either directly or indirectly, any work oremployment for persons seeking the same, or to otherwise engage in such business, or in any wayto act as a broker or go-between between employers and persons seeking work, without firsthaving obtained a license so to do from the city, town, or, if not within any city or town, from thecounty where such intelligence or employment office is to be opened or such business is to becarried on. Any person performing any of these services shall be deemed to be an employmentagent within the meaning of this chapter, but the provisions of Section
34-29-10 shall not apply toany person operating agencies for schoolteachers; but it shall be a misdemeanor for anyschoolteachers' employment agency to receive as commission for information or assistance suchas is described herein any consideration in value in excess of 5% of the amount of the first year'ssalary of the person to whom such information is furnished.
Enacted by Chapter 85, 1969 General Session