34-29-13. Statements to be furnished applicants. Every person securing information or intelligence from an employment agent relative tohiring or engagement to work for others as provided in Section
34-29-1 shall be furnished awritten copy, in duplicate, of the terms of such hiring or engagement, by the employment agent,showing the amount of commissions or fees paid to such employment agent, the kind of serviceto be performed, the rate of wages or compensation, the length of time, if definite, and ifindefinite, so stated, of such service, with full name and address of the person authorizing thehiring of such person. One of these copies shall be delivered to the person for whom the labor isto be performed and the other shall be retained by the person furnished with the information orintelligence; and the agent issuing the written copy of the conditions of service or employmentshall make and keep in a book provided for the purpose a third copy of the same. Any personengaged in the business of keeping an employment office who fails to observe the provisions ofthis section shall be subject to the penalties provided in Section
Enacted by Chapter 85, 1969 General Session