34-29-4. License -- Bond -- Transfer. Any person licensed under the provisions of this chapter shall pay an annual license fee insuch amount as may be determined by the board of city commissioners, city council, board oftown trustees, or the county legislative body, and before such license shall be issued shall depositwith the city, town or county treasurer a bond in the penal sum of $1,000, with two or moresureties to be approved by the officers designated by ordinance. The bond shall be made payableto the city, town or county where such business is to be carried on and shall be conditioned thatthe person applying for the license will comply with this chapter and will pay all damagesoccasioned to any person by reason of any misstatement, misrepresentation, fraud or deceit ofany person, or by any other violation of this chapter, in carrying on the business for which alicense is granted. If at any time in the opinion of the officers designated by ordinance to approvesuch bond, the sureties or any of them shall become irresponsible, the person holding suchlicense shall, upon notice from the city, town or county treasurer, give a new bond, to beapproved as hereinafter provided. Failure to give a new bond within 10 days after such noticeshall operate as a revocation of such license, and the license certificate shall be immediatelyreturned to the city, town or county treasurer, who shall destroy the same. Licenses granted underthis chapter may be transferred by order of the board of city commissioners, city council, boardof town trustees, or the county executive, but before such transfer shall be authorized, theapplicant for the same shall deposit with the city, town or county treasurer the sum of $5, whichshall be endorsed upon the application, and the person to whom such license is transferred shallalso deposit such a bond as is required by the applicant for an original license as hereinbeforeprescribed, to be approved in the same manner.
Amended by Chapter 227, 1993 General Session