34-41-101. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Drug" means any substance recognized as a drug in the United States Pharmacopeia,the National Formulary, the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia, or other drug compendia, includingTitle 58, Chapter 37, Utah Controlled Substances Act, or supplement to any of those compendia.
(2) "Drug testing" means the scientific analysis for the presence of drugs or theirmetabolites in the human body in accordance with the definitions and terms of this chapter.
(3) "Local governmental employee" means any person or officer in the service of a localgovernmental entity or state institution of higher education for compensation.
(4) (a) "Local governmental entity" means any political subdivision of Utah includingany county, municipality, local school district, local district, special service district, or anyadministrative subdivision of those entities.
(b) "Local governmental entity" does not mean Utah state government or itsadministrative subdivisions provided for in Sections
67-19-33 through
(5) "Periodic testing" means preselected and preannounced drug testing of employees orvolunteers conducted on a regular schedule.
(6) "Prospective employee" means any person who has made a written or oral applicationto become an employee of a local governmental entity or a state institution of higher education.
(7) "Random testing" means the unannounced drug testing of an employee or volunteerwho was selected for testing by using a method uninfluenced by any personal characteristicsother than job category.
(8) "Reasonable suspicion for drug testing" means an articulated belief based on therecorded specific facts and reasonable inferences drawn from those facts that a local governmentemployee or volunteer is in violation of the drug-free workplace policy.
(9) "Rehabilitation testing" means unannounced but preselected drug testing done as partof a program of counseling, education, and treatment of an employee or volunteer in conjunctionwith the drug-free workplace policy.
(10) "Safety sensitive position" means any local governmental or state institution ofhigher education position involving duties which directly affects the safety of governmentalemployees, the general public, or positions where there is access to controlled substances, asdefined in Title 58, Chapter 37, Utah Controlled Substances Act, during the course of performingjob duties.
(11) "Sample" means urine, blood, breath, saliva, or hair.
(12) "State institution of higher education" means the institution as defined in Section
(13) "Volunteer" means any person who donates services as authorized by the localgovernmental entity or state institution of higher education without pay or other compensationexcept expenses actually and reasonably incurred.
Amended by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session