34A-1-104. Commission authority. Within all other authority or responsibility granted to it by law, the commission may:
(1) adopt rules when authorized by this title, or Title 34, Labor in General, in accordancewith the procedures of Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
(2) conduct adjudicative proceedings in accordance with the procedures of Title 63G,Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act;
(3) license agencies in accordance with this title or Title 34, Labor in General;
(4) employ and determine the compensation of clerical, legal, technical, investigative,and other employees necessary to carry out its policymaking, regulatory, and enforcementpowers, rights, duties, and responsibilities under this title or Title 34, Labor in General;
(5) administer and enforce all laws for the protection of the life, health, and safety, ofemployees;
(6) ascertain and fix reasonable standards, and prescribe, modify, and enforce reasonableorders, for the adoption of safety devices, safeguards, and other means or methods of protection,to be as nearly uniform as possible, as necessary to carry out all laws and lawful orders relative tothe protection of the life, health, and safety, of employees in employment and places ofemployment;
(7) ascertain, fix, and order reasonable standards for the construction, repair, andmaintenance of places of employment as shall make them safe;
(8) investigate, ascertain, and determine reasonable classifications of persons,employments, and places of employment as necessary to carry out the purposes of this title orTitle 34, Labor in General;
(9) promote the voluntary arbitration, mediation, and conciliation of disputes betweenemployers and employees;
(10) ascertain and adopt reasonable standards and rules, prescribe and enforce reasonableorders, and take other actions appropriate for the protection of life, health, and safety of allpersons with respect to all prospects, tunnels, pits, banks, open cut workings, quarries, strip mineoperations, ore mills, and surface operations or any other mining operation, whether or not therelationship of employer and employee exists, but the commission may not assume jurisdictionor authority over adopted standards and regulations or perform any mining inspection orenforcement of mining rules and regulations so long as Utah's mining operations are governed byfederal regulations;
(11) develop processes to ensure that the commission responds to the full range ofemployee and employer clients; and
(12) carry out the responsibilities assigned to it by statute.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session