34A-2-112. Administration of this chapter and Chapter 3. (1) Administration of this chapter and Chapter 3, Utah Occupational Disease Act, isvested in the commission to be administered through the division, the Division of Adjudication,and for administrative appeals through the commissioner and the Appeals Board.
(2) The commission:
(a) has jurisdiction over every workplace in the state and may administer this chapter andChapter 3, Utah Occupational Disease Act, and any rule or order issued under these chapters, toensure that every employee in this state has a safe workplace in which employers have securedthe payment of workers' compensation benefits for their employees in accordance with thischapter and Chapter 3, Utah Occupational Disease Act;
(b) through the division under the supervision of the director, has the duty and fullauthority to take any administrative action authorized under this chapter or Chapter 3, UtahOccupational Disease Act; and
(c) through the Division of Adjudication, commissioner, and Appeals Board, provide forthe adjudication and review of an administrative action, decision, or order of the commission inaccordance with this title.
Enacted by Chapter 375, 1997 General Session